Fight the Fakes: ” Making each dose count”

On Saturday 21st July 2018, IAPO member Mary Lynne Van Poelgeest-Pomfret of World Federation of Incontinent Patients represented IAPO and the Fight the Fakes campaign at the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam at the Imperial Health Sciences’ Pre-Conference Side-Event. Here she joined a multi-stakeholder panel within which a stimulating discussion took place around the topic Read more…

The voice of Fight the Fakes reaches new heights in the latest article about falsified medicines featured in Healthcare Global magazine

Fight the Fakes is thrilled to be highlighted as a valuable global actor in tackling the problems related to falsified medicines in this Healthcare Global magazine article. Under the title of “Leveraging technology and education in the high-stakes fight against fake medicines” the article describes the critical and increasing problems related to Read more…

Study shows that African citizens consider themselves ill-informed about the dangers of falsified drugs

According to a new survey conducted in April 2018, many African citizens consider themselves not well informed about the dangers of falsified medicines. The survey aimed to highlight patient perceptions of falsified medicines in different parts of the world. Over 2,500 participants in Egypt, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Kenya and South Read more…

Press Release: European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) joins Fight the Fakes to strengthen coalition against falsified medicines

PRESS RELEASE European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) joins Fight the Fakes to strengthen coalition against falsified medicines Tuesday 24 July 2018, Brussels – Fight the Fakes is glad to welcome the European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) as the newest member in the campaign against falsified medicines. With EMVO’s mission to Read more…