WHA74 Statement on Global action on patient safety – Agenda Item 13. 1

WHA74 STATEMENT Global action on patient safety Agenda Item 13. 1 The International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations, the International Pharmaceutical Federation, the International Hospital Federation, the World Medical Association, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations and all the other member organizations of the Fight the Fakes Alliance, welcome and endorse the Read more…

USP’s resources and tools to protect the supply chain of SF COVID-19 health products

Fight The Fakes’ member U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) has recently published a suite of resources and tools to detect substandard and falsified COVID-19 treatments. The supply and demand imbalances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created a surge in substandard and falsified treatments and these resources aim to assist manufacturers, regulators, and quality control laboratories in helping Read more…

Social media toolkit for ‘Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19’

The Fight the Fakes flagship event  ‘Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19‘ is taking place on the side-lines of the 74th World Health Assembly, on 25 May 2021, 13:00 – 14:00 PM CEST. Now let’s spread the word and #FightTheFakes on social media! Read more…

Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI6hHJG5pGk Fighters, it’s time to act against the growing threat of falsified products produced and sold as treatments and vaccines for COVID-19!  Reports of falsified and substandard products sold as COVID-19 treatments and vaccines continue to increase at a worrying pace across the globe, hindering efforts to contain the pandemic, Read more…