On  22nd June 2021, the high-level roundtable on ‘The African Medicines Agency : Vision and Strategy for the African Continent’ officially launched the African Medicines Agency Treaty Alliance (AMATA). This multi-stakeholder alliance has been set up to advocate for the ratification and implementation of the African Medicines Agency (AMA) Treaty and for meaningful engagement with patients and other relevant parties, in all aspects of the Agency framework. 

The AMA represents, for many countries, the promise of the development of local production, and the development, across the continent, of centers of excellence for research, the strengthening and security of supply chains, for the maintenance of a healthy environment and the fight against falsified medicines.

The Alliance’s mission aims to strengthen the African pharmaceutical regulatory system for timely access to innovative, safe, quality, and effective medicines and medical devices that are accessible for better pandemic preparedness. It will therefore help in the fight against against substandard and falsified medicines in the continent.

The Fight The Fakes Alliance welcomes such a crucial initiative and urges African countries to ratify and further develop the African Medicines Agency, key to end up with fake medicines in one of the regions with the highest incidence of these dangerous products.

You can read the full press release here.

Find out more about AMATA: https://www.iapo.org.uk/amata 

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