USP’s resources and tools to protect the supply chain of SF COVID-19 health products

Fight The Fakes’ member U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) has recently published a suite of resources and tools to detect substandard and falsified COVID-19 treatments. The supply and demand imbalances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created a surge in substandard and falsified treatments and these resources aim to assist manufacturers, regulators, and quality control laboratories in helping Read more…

Social media toolkit for ‘Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19’

The Fight the Fakes flagship event  ‘Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19‘ is taking place on the side-lines of the 74th World Health Assembly, on 25 May 2021, 13:00 – 14:00 PM CEST. Now let’s spread the word and #FightTheFakes on social media! Read more…

Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19 Fighters, it’s time to act against the growing threat of falsified products produced and sold as treatments and vaccines for COVID-19!  Reports of falsified and substandard products sold as COVID-19 treatments and vaccines continue to increase at a worrying pace across the globe, hindering efforts to contain the pandemic, Read more…