Fighting Fake Drugs Is Fighting For Universal Health Coverage – an op-ed by our partner the International Council of Nurses to mark #WorldHealthDay!

To mark the occasion of World Health Day, Howard Catton, CEO from our partner the International Council of Nurses (ICN) published an op-ed in Nigeria Health Watch to highlight the crucial role health care professionals, such as nurses, and digital health solutions play in the fight against falsified medicines. Particularly Read more…

#Fakemeds documentary on Netflix – Turning the spotlight on the impact of falsified antimalarials in West Africa

‘The Traffickers’ is a 2016 British-American 8-part investigative television series on Netflix about the illegal trafficking of goods – and one of their episodes is focusing on the global illegal trade of falsified medicine! The British journalist and TV host Nelufar Hedayat follows the trail of a global criminal network Read more…