Fight the Fakes secretariat transitions to IFPW

Launched in November 2013, Fight the Fakes has grown into a coalition of over 30 organizations, including healthcare professionals, academia, NGOs, the generic and research-based pharmaceutical industry, healthcare distributers, and consumer protection organizations. Fight the Fakes is pleased to announce the transition of its secretariat to the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers Read more…

Medicrime Convention

Now that France has ratified the Medicrime Convention, the International Institute for Research against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM), the only international entity entirely dedicated to combatting counterfeit healthcare products, appealed to all the countries that signed it to rally together and implement this convention as soon as possible, thereby protecting all Read more…

La Convention Médicrime

A l’occasion de l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention Médicrime en France, l’IRACM appelle tous les pays signataires à la ratifier au plus vite.  Face à la menace croissante que représentent les faux médicaments, en particulier avec le développement de la vente sur internet, la ratification de la convention Médicrime permet Read more…