Commonwealth Pharmacists Association Joins as a Partner of Fight the Fakes!

We are proud to announce Commonwealth Pharmacist Association as a Partner of the Fight the Fakes campaign! The Commonwealth Pharmacist Association (CPA) advances health, promotes wellbeing and improves education for the benefit of the people of the Commonwealth. It supports the development of safe and effective systems of medicines management, healthier lifestyles, and Read more…

Press Release: Alternance à la tête de la campagne mondiale de prévention contre les faux médicaments Fight the Fakes

To download the press release, click here. Press Release: Alternance à la tête de la campagne mondiale de prévention contre les faux médicaments Fight the Fakes Dès aujourd’hui, l’International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (IFPW) (Fédération internationale des répartiteurs pharmaceutiques) assure le secrétariat de Fight the Fakes (« Contrer les contrefaçons »), Read more…

PRESS RELEASE: Leadership rotation at Fight the Fakes, the worldwide campaign to protect people from fake medicines

Fight the Fakes Press Release: Leadership rotation at Fight the Fakes, the worldwide campaign to protect people from fake medicines Today the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (IFPW) begins its role as secretariat of Fight the Fakes, the global campaign to raise awareness of the threat fake medicines pose to people Read more…

PR: Leadership rotation at Fight the Fakes, the worldwide campaign to protect people from fake medicines, Securing Industry, February 2017

This article was originally published in: Securing Industry PR: Leadership rotation at Fight the Fakes, the worldwide campaign to protect people from fake medicines 09-Feb-2017 Entering the campaign’s fourth year, Fight the Fakes is pleased to announce the rotation of its secretariat to the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (IFPW), Read more…