The Medicine Quality Research Group, Centre of Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine and the University of Oxford have released their latest Medical Product Quality Report – COVID-19 issues, with results from February 2021.

In this issue, 55 new alerts on COVID-19 products were reported on the Medicines Quality Monitoring Globe. Almost half of the alerts concerned diverted, substandard or falsified (SF) COVID-19 vaccines. Out of the 24 articles on vaccine incidents, two were on degradation issues, 5 were on stolen COVID-19 vaccines and the remaining articles were on falsified vaccines or injections with purported COVID-19 vaccines. Falsified vaccines were directly offered to the population but the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) warned that criminals are also approaching national (and regional) authorities.

Although the number of SF alerts on non-vaccine COVID-19 product categories has declined, incidents continue to occur. For example, previously multiple governments have experienced issues with SF masks and in February 2021, one year into the pandemic.Throughout February 2021, there were reports of falsified 3M masks, especially in the USA.

We urgently need joined-up interventions to reduce the risk of SF COVID-19 medical products on global public health, and more specifically COVID-19 vaccines, through significant enhancements in global capacity for their prevention, detection and response.

Read full report here

The Medicine Quality Research Group, Centre of Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine and the University of Oxford have released their latest Medical Product Quality Report – COVID-19 issues, with results from January 2021.

This monthly report aims to collate information and reports in the public domain on the quality of medicinal products that are currently in use, or that are being trialled for COVID-19’s prevention or treatment. It also include reports on key subjects such as access, affordability or off label use for COVID-19 if they mention concern of the quality of the products.

The report warns on the increase in incidents and problems with substandard and falsified COVID-19 vaccines. In January, 20 different incidents of degraded, stolen or apparently falsified COVID-19 vaccines were identified. According to one article, the black market of COVID-19 vaccines has grown 400% since December 2020!

Read full report here

Fight the Fakes Alliance calls for increased alertness and collaboration from international stakeholders and authorities to stop the spread of falsified and substandard medicines. Today the call is urgent as efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic can be threatened and even worsened by the spread of falsified and substandard medicines.