Substandard and falsified medicines can find their way into the supply chain in many ways: through mislabelling, human error, intentional adulteration by manufacturers or suppliers to achieve higher profits, or other more complex ways.
The latest proof comes from the World Health Organization’s (WHO)’s recent Medical Product Alert about four substandard products identified in The Gambia. The WHO reported that these products are potentially linked to the deaths of 66 children.
Given the complex pharmaceutical supply chain, there is a clear need for greater focus on securing the global supply chain. All the actors involved in the medicines supply chain have a role to play, including you!
Join Fight the Fakes Week and raise awareness about the urgent need to secure the global medicines supply chain to keep patients safe from substandard and falsified medicines.
Download and share the Fight the Fakes Week 2022 campaign materials

Los #medicamentosfalsos y subestándar pueden entrar en las cadenas de suministro de muchas formas y ponen la #seguridad del #paciente en riesgo. Me uno a la Semana Contra los Medicamentos Falsos #FTFWeek y exijo cadenas de suministro de medicinas seguras! https://fightthefakes.org/week/5th-fight-the-fakes-week/

Los #medicamentosfalsos y subestándar representan un riesgo para los #pacientes y pueden causarles la muerte ☠️ En esta Semana Contra los Medicamentos Falsos #FTFWeek me uno al llamado por cadenas globales de suministro de medicinas seguras 🔒🌐 👉 https://fightthefakes.org/week/5th-fight-the-fakes-week/

Las autoridades nacionales de salud y regulatorias juegan un papel crucial en impedir que los #medicamentosfalsos y subestándar lleguen a la ciudadanía. ¡Me uno a la Semana Contra los Medicamentos Falsos #FTFWeek y exijo cadenas de suministro seguras! https://fightthefakes.org/week/5th-fight-the-fakes-week/

Los #pacientes en los países de renta baja y media son los que tienen el mayor riesgo de recibir #medicamentosfalsos y subestándar . Hay que parar esto! Me uno a la Semana Contra los Medicamentos Falsos #FTFWeek y exijo cadenas de suministro seguras 🔒🌐 https://fightthefakes.org/week/5th-fight-the-fakes-week/

Conviértete en un cazador de fraudes #BeAFakeBuster durante la Semana Contra los Medicamentos Falsos #FTFWeek🦸🏿♂️🦸🏾♀️🦸 Ayuda a educar a los que te rodean sobre los peligros de los #medicamentosfalsos y subestándar y cómo reconocerlos! 📢 #FightTheFakes https://fightthefakes.org/week/5th-fight-the-fakes-week/
5 December 2022
- FTFA Secretariat launches campaign on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, follow the hashtags #FTFweek #BeAFakeBuster #FightTheFakes
- Press release announcing Fight the Fakes Week theme and programme, and new members
- Warsaw Medical University, Poland, launches social media campaign for Fight the Fakes Week
6 December 2022
- Ongoing campaign on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, follow the hashtags #FTFweek #BeAFakeBuster #FightTheFakes
7 December 2022
- Ongoing campaign on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, follow the hashtags #FTFweek #BeAFakeBuster #FightTheFakes
- Fight the Fakes Week Flagship event: Keeping patients safe by securing the global medicines supply chain
10:00 – 12:00, InterContinental Geneva, Chem. du Petit-Saconnex 7-9, 1211 Genève, Switzerland (and online)
12:00 – 13:30, Celebratory lunch for Patient Solidarity Day (same location, invite only)
- Fight the Fakes Alliance Strategy Meeting Day 1 (invite only)
- Highlevel dinner hosted by Brazzaville Foundation, Permanent Representation of Togo, and Fight the Fakes Alliance (invite only)
8 December 2022
- Ongoing campaign on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, follow the hashtags #FTFweek #BeAFakeBuster #FightTheFakes
- Fight the Fakes Alliance Strategy Meeting Day 2 (invite only)
- University of Hertfordshire Hosted by Global Academic Foundation, launches Fight the Fakes Club
9 December 2022
- Ongoing campaign on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, follow the hashtags #FTFweek #BeAFakeBuster #FightTheFakes
10 December 2022
- Ongoing campaign on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, follow the hashtags #FTFweek #BeAFakeBuster #FightTheFakes
11 December 2022