Hello, Fake Busters!

Are you ready to be a part of something extraordinary?

Fight the Fakes Week is about uniting against substandard and fake medicines through collective action and raising awareness globally.

We organise this annual event to bring together people like you from all walks of life to take collective action for safeguarding patients. Your actions could make a difference for someone at risk of taking substandard or falsified medicines. So far we have reached millions of people with our messages, but more concrete action is needed!


Combating the surge of substandard and falsified medicines is not just a matter of healthcare but also an urgent global priority. It requires collaborative efforts from governments, healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical industries, and individuals to create a safer and more reliable healthcare landscape.

The vulnerable vs. the criminals

So let’s speak out together!

During Fight the Fakes Week, we encourage you to speak out against substandard and fake medicines and raise awareness about their dangers in any way you can. Together, we can send a resounding message that everyone deserves access to safe, effective and quality-ensured medications.

Your Ideas Count

There are no strict rules or rigid formats about how you can take action. We believe in your creativity and passion! From posting supporting messages on social media to organising events, exhibitions, lectures, or debates, every activity is valuable as long as it aligns with the week’s theme of the mission of Fight the Fakes Alliance. This is your chance to shine, and we’re excited to see what you come up with!

Access the Communication Toolkit

To help you make a splash, we always have a ready-to-use communication toolkit. It’s filled with resources, templates, and tips to craft compelling messages and engaging content. We want your voice to reach as many people as possible, and this toolkit will be your secret weapon.

Your Involvement Counts

Whether you’re an individual, part of a community group, or representing an institution, we value your participation. Each one of you brings something unique to the table, and together, we can create a safer and healthier world.

Take Action

Are you ready to take a stand? Join Fight the Fakes Week and be a force for change. Together, let’s make a difference and ensure safe and effective medications for everyone.

Scroll down to see what you can do this year!